radloggerpy.device.devices.arduino_geiger_pcb module

class radloggerpy.device.devices.arduino_geiger_pcb.ArduinoGeigerPcb(info: SerialDeviceObject, condition: Condition)[source]

Bases: SerialDevice

NAME = 'ArduinoGeigerPCB'

Each radiation monitoring device should have a unique name

TYPE = 3

Each radiation monitoring device should define its type

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>

Method to perform device initialization

Devices are allowed to clear any flags or variables set when stop() was called previously inside of this method.


Method to be called to run continuously in its own thread

Devices should not return from this method unless the intent is for the device to stop retrieving data. Data can be gathered by either polling or using events / wait if the external system supports to do so. Timers may also be used, please be sure to honor: CONF.devices.minimal_polling_delay


Should return true if in the progress of stopping false otherwise


True if stopping, false otherwise


Method when called that should halt operation of device asap

Halting can be achieved by setting a variable and checking this variable inside a loop in the _run method. Other methods include using conditions to notify the _run method.