Source code for radloggerpy.device.device_interfaces.serial_device

# Copyright (C) 2019 Dantali0n
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import abc
from threading import Condition

from radloggerpy.database.objects.serial_device import SerialDeviceObject
from radloggerpy.device import device
from radloggerpy.types.device_interfaces import DeviceInterfaces

[docs] class SerialDevice(device.Device, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """SerialDevice class for serial communication interface devices A SerialDevice is used for communication interfaces typically available such as `RS-232` or `RS-485`. If the device to support uses a COMx port on Windows or is listed in `/dev/tty*` on Linux this is the abstract class to implement. Devices implementing this class their settings are stored in the database with the :py:class:`radloggerpy.database.serial_device.SerialDevice`. if any additional information is required these can be stored using the :py:class:`radloggerpy.database.device_attribute.DeviceAttribute`. """ # TODO(Dantali0n): Do not refer to database models but to database # interfacing classes(add_devices(session, [device])). NAME = "SerialDevice" INTERFACE = DeviceInterfaces.SERIAL def __init__(self, info: SerialDeviceObject, condition: Condition): super(SerialDevice, self).__init__(info, condition)